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Write To Ride Sometimes to protect our right to ride we must write our politicians.

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Old 05-12-2005, 03:34 PM
Butch Butch is offline
Jerry (MN)
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Veseli,MN
Posts: 432
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I was looking over the Lautenberg ammendment post and noticed a dismal 40 views to an important event affecting all riders> I was riding bikes in this state when it had a helmat law and i remember how hard it was to change,groups like the MMRA and ABATE worked their butts off.YOU can support these groups by becoming a member.The 15.00 to 30 dollars a year is a minimum to pay to protect our riding rights,besides these two groups throw a lot of parties,runs,etc.YOU can get more involved by going to monthly meetings if you want.Don't be a "welfare rider" join up!
i want to ride
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Old 05-27-2005, 04:00 PM
Choirguy Choirguy is offline
"Formerly Tubamotorcycle" Chris (MN)
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Southeast Twin Cities Suburbs, MN
Posts: 537
I'll speak for only myself, but many times I only look in the main forum, or perhaps the for sale forum as well.

As for these other groups, I'm not against them, but I wish there were a way to contribute without becoming a "member." I was in the AMA for a number of years, but became frustrated when it seemed that they spent more money on producing a magazine and providing pins than they were using for legal services. When these folks create a system where you can simply donate without joining, I'll be happy to send the $10 of my dues that they actually use for the legal services to that address. But I don't need the magazine, bumper sticker, pin, guidebook, hotel coupons, credit card offers (they sold my info), insurance offers (they sold my info), and so on. I also stopped being a member at the time of the whole Youngblood or Younggood (whatever his name was) fiasco was going on.
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Old 06-01-2005, 01:24 AM
Butch Butch is offline
Jerry (MN)
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Veseli,MN
Posts: 432
choirguy,you have some very valid points but all-in-all these groups are the lighting rod for political harrassment that affect us riders.The pins,and stickers help to get the word out to newer riders wondering what's up politically speaking,the magazines are geared toward information as well that affects riders.A lot of groups sell their members lists,that i don't particularly care for,but i consider it a small consequence as i can throw the mail away that i am not interested in.If sparky and i hadn't posted about the bill would you have known what was coming?These politicians pass nothing but feel-good legislation and that was a prime example of it.I know from your posts that you are a smart guy and i want you on the active side of being a watch -dog for riders rights,not saying you aren't but membership is a minimum indicator.Each group declares where the money is spent so a guy can track that and see if the money is going where it should.Bottom line for me is riding a bike and being a member of ABATE and MMRA is like owning a gun and being a member of the NRA,they go hand-in hand.
i want to ride
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