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Write To Ride Sometimes to protect our right to ride we must write our politicians. |
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Penalize any state without a mandatory helmet law
May 8, 2005
#05NR09 - NATIONAL CALL TO ACTION: Lautenberg to Propose Amendment The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has learned that Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J) is planning to offer an amendment to the MRF's Motorcycle Safety Language contained in the highway bill HR 3. The MRF has received an advanced copy of Sen. Lautenberg’s proposed amendment. It would penalize, or prohibit, any state without a mandatory helmet law from participation in the grant process for monies designated for motorcycle training and awareness. This amendment could be offered as soon as tomorrow, May 9th. "Sen. Lautenberg has a long history of seeking avenues to institute a national helmet law." said Jeff Hennie, MRF Vice-President of Government Relations. "Every rider must act now." "The MRF considers helmet laws to be a state issue, and certainly stand alone from rider training. To hold states ransom, or keep them from receiving much needed revenue for training is reprehensible." said MRF President Karen Bolin. "I have absolute faith that motorcyclists nationwide will defeat this amendment." The MRF is calling on ALL riders to call your senators immediately and urge them to vote NO on the Lautenberg amendment that would tie a state helmet law to funding for motorcycle safety training. There is no time for letters. CALLS are needed NOW. The Lautenberg amendment MUST be defeated. ALABAMA Richard Shelby (R) 202-224-5744 Jeff Sessions (R) 202-224-4124 ALASKA Lisa Murkowski (R) 202-224-6665 Ted Stevens (R) 202-224-3004 ARIZONA John McCain (R) 202-224-2235 John Kyl (R) 202-224-4521 ARKANSAS Blanche Lincoln (D) 202-224-4843 Mark Pryor (D) 202-224-2353 CALIFORNIA Diane Feinstein (D) 202-224-3841 Barbara Boxer (D) 202-224-3553 COLORADO Wayne Allard (R) 202-224-5941 Ken Salazar (D) 202-224-5852 CONNECTICUT Chris Dodd (D) 202-224-2823 Joseph Lieberman (D) 202-224-4041 DELAWARE Joe Biden (D) 202-224-5042 Thomas Carper (D) 202-224-2441 FLORIDA Bill Nelson (D) 202-224-5274 Mel Martinez (R) 202-224-3041 GEORGIA Saxby Chablis (R) 202-224-3521 Johnny Isakson (R) 202-224-3642 HAWAII Daniel Inouye (D) 202-224-3934 Daniel Akaka (D) 202-224-6361 IDAHO Larry Craig (R) 202-224-2752 Mike Crappo (R) 202-224-6142 ILLINOIS Richard Durbin (D) 202-224-2152 Barack no.no.no.no.no. (D) 202-224-2854 INDIANA Richard Lugar (R) 202-224-4814 Evan Bayh (D) 202-224-5623 IOWA Charles Grassley (R) 202-224-3744 Tom Harkin (D) 202-224-3254 KANSAS Sam Brownback (R) 202-224-6521 Pat Roberts (R) 202-224-4774 KENTUCKY Mitch McConnell (R) 202-224-2541 Jim Bunning (R) 202-224-4343 LOUISIANA Mary Landrieu (D) 202-224-5824 David Vitter (R) 202-224-4623 MAINE Olympia Snowe (R) 202-224-5344 Susan Collins (R) 202-224-2523 MARYLAND Paul Sarbanes (D) 202-224-4524 Barbara Mikulski (D) 202-224-4654 MASSACHUSETTS Ed Kennedy (D) 202-224-4543 John Kerry (D) 202-224-2742 MICHIGAN Carl Levin (D) 202-224-6221 Debbie Stabenow (D) 202-224-4822 MINNESOTA Mark Dayton (D) 202-224-3244 Norm Coleman (R) 202-224-5641 MISSISSIPPI Thad Cochran (R) 202-224-5054 Trent Lott (R) 202-224-6253 MISSOURI Christopher Bond (R) 202-224-5721 Jim Talent (R) 202-224-6154 MONTANA Max Baucus (D) 202-224-2651 Conrad Burns (R) 202-224-2644 NEBRASKA Chuck Hagel (R) 202-224-4224 Ben Nelson (D) 202-224-6551 NEVADA Harry Reid (D) 202-224-3542 John Ensign (R) 202-224-6244 NEW HAMPSHIRE Judd Gregg (R) 202-224-3324 John Sununu (R) 202-224-2841 NEW JERSEY Jon Corzine (D) 202-224-4744 Frank Lautenberg (D) 202-224-3224 NEW MEXICO Peter Domenici (R) 202-224-6621 Jeff Bingaman (D) 202-224-5521 NEW YORK Charles Schumer (D) 202-224-6542 Hillary Clinton (D) 202-224-4451 NORTH CAROLINA Elizabeth Dole (R) 202-224-6342 Richard Burr (R) 202-224-3154 NORTH DAKOTA Kent Conrad (D) 202-224-2043 Byron Dorgan (D) 202-224-2551 OHIO Mike DeWine (R) 202-224-2315 George Voinovich (R) 202-224-3353 OKLAHOMA James Inhofe (R) 202-224-4721 Tom Coburn (R) 202-224-5754 OREGON Ron Wyden (D) 202-224-5244 Gordon Smith (R) 202-224-3753 PENNSYLVANIA Arlen Specter (R) 202-224-4254 Rick Santorum (R) 202-224-6324 RHODE ISLAND Jack Reed (D) 202-224-4642 Lincoln Chafee (R) 202-224-2921 SOUTH CAROLINA Lindsey Graham (R) 202-224-5972 Jim Demint (R) 202-2246121 SOUTH DAKOTA Tim Johnson (D) 202-224-5842 John Thune (R) 202-224-2321 TENNESSEE Bill Frist (R) 202-224-3344 Lamar Alexander (R) 202-224-4944 TEXAS Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) 202-224-5922 John Cornyn (R) 202-224-2934 UTAH Orrin Hatch (R) 202-224-5251 Robert Bennett (R) 202-224-5444 VERMONT Patrick Leahy (D) 202-224-4242 James Jeffords (I) 202-224-5141 VIRGINIA John Warner (R) 202-224-2023 George Allen (R) 202-224-4024 WASHINGTON Patty Murray (D) 202-224-2621 Maria Cantwell (D) 202-224-3441 WEST VIRGINIA Robert Byrd (D) 202-224-3954 John Rockefeller (D) 202-224-6472 WISCONSIN Herbert Kohl (D) 202-224-5653 Russ Feingold (D) 202-224-5323 WYOMING Craig Thomas (R) 202-224-6441 Michael Enzi (R) 202-224-3424
Just wanted to let you know,the Lautenberg ammendment was voted down yesterday.
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