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Old 08-14-2010, 11:15 PM
signals_91 signals_91 is offline
Dave (MN)
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On the VMC, I found a link to a pretty extensive study by Amsoil (2009 White Paper) where they compared many different m/c oils including the Victory oil. In summary, the Vic oil did pretty darn good in many of the tests conducted by Amsoil. I'm not an amsoil guy, but it's a pretty interesting read if you want to know more about the oils that are available for the motorcycle specific markets.
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Old 08-14-2010, 11:17 PM
signals_91 signals_91 is offline
Dave (MN)
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Here is the link to the Amsoil 2009 White Paper Study....
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Old 08-15-2010, 03:52 AM
mnhammer mnhammer is offline
Steven (MN)
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Talking Oil

I use extra virgin olive oil works well and does't tast to bad.
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Old 10-24-2010, 08:23 AM
SundayCruiser SundayCruiser is offline
Bruce (MN)
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Synthetic Oil

Has anyone used Mobil 1 Synthetic Oil in their Victory? Apparently it's quite a bit cheaper than the Victory oil. I know people that say it works well in all motorcycles.
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Old 10-25-2010, 03:16 PM
johnny vision johnny vision is offline
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Synthetic Oil

At 6000 miles I went to amsoil 20 / 50 in my vision cause the dealer had no oil I went to fleet farm and for $7 buck bought a fram filter. I do believe fram filters are just as good as polaris cause we know that polaris buys there filters from some one. I use amsoil 20/50 cause I couldn't find mobil 1. I plan on running it for 5000 thousand miles and then maybe take it to napa and have them analyze it and tell me if I am running it to long and what metals are in the oil.
The next time I have the drain plug out I am going to napa and see if I can get a magnetic plug for the drain plug. I don't like the plug when it doesn't catch any thing. I have had harleys for thirty some years and have done my own oil changes and there is all ways something stuck to the magnetic plug even if its minor stuff at leased I get it out.
Now I don't know about mobil 1 but amsoil never turns back but I thin 5000 is long enough.
Good Luck.
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Old 10-25-2010, 05:15 PM
Happy Dan Happy Dan is offline
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Is it worth it?

My only and greatest concern about using non-Victory oil is that the additives for the transmission and clutch may not be present in the oil. I think it's pretty cheap insurance to run Victory oil that is designed and engineered for your Victory motorcycle. I always know when I'm getting close to needing an oil change and can call ahead or make an appointment to have the service done at the dealer. My new bike will get Victory oil as long as I own it. 2 year factory warranty and 5 year extended warranty. To me, it's not worth the few dollars that I'd save in other brands of oil to run anything but Victory oil.

My 2 cents worth.
Happy Dan
Spreading the sound of "Freedom", one Victory at a time!
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Old 10-25-2010, 09:48 PM
Johnny Ritz Johnny Ritz is offline
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Originally Posted by SundayCruiser View Post
Has anyone used Mobil 1 Synthetic Oil in their Victory? Apparently it's quite a bit cheaper than the Victory oil. I know people that say it works well in all motorcycles.
Hello Bruce welcome to the Utopia. You can do a Search of the Forums by clicking the search button in the header. Simply type the word "Oil" and you could read for weeks.
Personally, I tried others (Mobil 1 and Amzoil) and ended up having to pull the motor to re-seal the top end.(after Amzoil) No fun and not worth it. I have about 85K on mine it still goes strong...just as Sparky...

And, Victory oil is the choice of the Worlds Fastest Victory as well....ah the salt flats...the great white dyno and test facility....
"Get Busy Livin', or Get Busy Dying'"

Johnny Ritz & #434
VMC #59

John Ritter, the one still living.
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Old 10-28-2010, 07:39 PM
jloyva jloyva is offline
James (MN)
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I bought my TC just over two years ago with 9100 miles. The lady I bought it from (and her boyfriend) have always used Mobil 1 15W-50 in all their bikes (mostly HD) so I've continued with the same. I'm now at about 22,750 and it still runs like a top.
'03 Solar Red Touring Cruiser
I guess I'll never grow a sideburn, it's a shame with all I've got to go between.
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Old 10-29-2010, 06:37 PM
johnny vision johnny vision is offline
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Smile Synthetic Oil

Every thing I read about oil is synthetic can be use with out a problem. BUT you must keep in mind that motorcycle oil has a different shear factor then car oil. Harley is running syn in every thing right out of the box. Keep this in mind that the syn oils have been out for a long time now and if they were bad you would have heard by now. I have heard you can't switch or shouldn't switch back an forth cause of the clutch plates absorb the fluid.
I run amsoil and haven had a problem for ever. I tried to find mobil 1 but never could. I found it for cars but not for the motorcycle.
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Old 11-06-2010, 11:48 AM
Chris 2 Chris 2 is offline
Chris (MN)
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I use amsoil motorcycle oil in my 01 never had a problem with it,

As a matter of fact I use amsoil in all my vehicles, sno blowers lawn mowers etc. I have been using it since 1982 with good results.
CHRIS 2 with a kyso blue deluxe
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Old 11-16-2010, 04:13 AM
BATMAN BATMAN is offline
Pat (MN)
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It's strange, some people seem to have problems with using synthetic, some don't. I have 81,000 on my '02 TCD with no problems. Also used it in my '99, no problems in that either.
'14 Indian Chief Vintage
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Old 11-17-2010, 08:12 PM
johnny vision johnny vision is offline
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Think about this
I am sure that polaris takes bids on there oil every year like all the others.
Go to barnett clutch and read what they have to say about SYN oil. They are the number 1 company for making clutch plates. Polaris even sells them.
As far as leaks go SYN will run out faster then normal oil cause its slipper.
I have read where some 08 vision had bad castings head and leak with SYN oil and victory replaced them for free
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Old 11-19-2010, 08:05 AM
BATMAN BATMAN is offline
Pat (MN)
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Originally Posted by johnny vision View Post
Think about this
I am sure that polaris takes bids on there oil every year like all the others.
Go to barnett clutch and read what they have to say about SYN oil. They are the number 1 company for making clutch plates. Polaris even sells them.
As far as leaks go SYN will run out faster then normal oil cause its slipper.
I have read where some 08 vision had bad castings head and leak with SYN oil and victory replaced them for free

This what you saw?

"As far as what oils to use, we generally suggest following the manufacturer's recommendations. Use only quality motorcycle specific oils. The main purpose of oils in a "wet" clutch application (as far as the clutch pack itself is concerned) is to act as a coolant. Oil flowing through the clutch plates help to keep the plates cooler, resulting in smoother clutch action and longer life. Using too heavy viscosity can cause plates to stick when cold. All Barnett wet clutches are designed to be used with synthetic or petroleum based oils. NOTE: We do not recommend using the Harley Davidson Formula Plus oil with our clutches. Remember, the single best insurance you can have for your clutch and bike is to keep clean, good quality oil in it!"

Seems like they're ok with synthetics.
'14 Indian Chief Vintage
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Old 04-15-2011, 03:28 AM
Sgt_H Sgt_H is offline
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Sooo... How much oil do you use?

Finally got around to doing the oil. Get everything drained, new washer and filter on. Everything is going fine until I get to filling the new oil. My manual says 4 3/4 quarts of oil. I put in 4 and a few glugs from the 5th (less than half a quart) and pull the funnel out to check the level. It's so full that oil is litterally pouring out.

Still draining the excess out bit by bit, but seems odd that it ended up that over full.
07 Vegas 8-Ball
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Old 04-15-2011, 06:28 AM
Rowebote Rowebote is offline
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After letting it drain for a while I usually put in about 4 1/2. There's a lot of oil hidden in that engine, make sure you give it plenty of time to drain out.
2007 2014
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