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Old 05-11-2015, 05:07 PM
Butch Butch is offline
Jerry (MN)
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Veseli,MN
Posts: 432
Originally Posted by johnny vision View Post
Victory's riderx app will tell you dealers food and gas. No need for notes.

Now that the Black hills had 2 ft of snow over the weekend maybe a fold up shovel 5-09-15
Sweet I will put that on my phone, thanks!
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Old 07-25-2015, 08:13 PM
Butch Butch is offline
Jerry (MN)
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Veseli,MN
Posts: 432
Just got done with a 1900 mile round trip to Ft. worth last week. My son and I put on 700 miles the first 14 hours of the first day, and I had a couple observations I thought I'd pass on. It was hot, better than 90 degrees from Iowa on down, the only break was a torrential down pour just before Des Moines, that lasted about 45 minutes with us driving hard right through it. Cars were pulled over on 35 southbound because they couldn't see, making things interesting as all get out( as in get out of my way). We had stopped and put on rain gear just as it started to sprinkle! First pointer, buy good rain gear and use it! My sons rain pants tore as he was putting them on, DOH!

What did get wet was soon dried out as we headed south. Second pointer, have money ready for toll roads, know where the toll roads are also. The turner turnpike is very smooth for a bike, enjoy that as Texas roads suck horrible once you get there.

Next pointer, run premium gas, my 2001 Vic. Ran like a Swiss watch there and back, did not burn any oil and I ran about 75 MPH at 3200 rpm as much as I could. My son was riding a Honda 750 and doing about 4100 rpm at 75 mph, God bless him.

Next pointer, wear shirts that aren't floppy at the neck and sleeves, that will drive you nuts after 6-14 hours of being whipped by loose sleeves or neck cloth, trust me, fortunately I had two new t shirts that worked good, my son bought two new ones at a truck stop.

Wear sun screen, I had some ( thank you wifey) and we used it, it really saved our bacon!! ( which is what my upper arms would have looked like if I didn't have sunscreen ). Also have a do rag or bandanna if you don't wear a helmet( I don't ) during good weather. My son and I both had helmets for the trip and only wore them in Missouri and during the rainy weather parts of the trip.
Final pointer, recognize when you have had enough mile for one day , if you find yourself mentally wore out, look for a place and call it quits for the night. When I was OTR truck driving I at best could get 550 mile out of the day,, I had exceeded that by 150 more and really hit the wall so to speak on this trip, we stopped in Tonkawa, OK, got a room and a steak dinner, followed by a shower and bed. Woke up the next morning and put in another 5 hours of riding, right to the hospital my brother was in( reason for the trip, he had a by pass and I wasn't gonna let him go thru that alone).

Anyway, if this is helpful to anyone planning a trip I hope so, I'd do it again tomorrow. Oh yeah, keep stuff out of your back pockets, that will keep your ass from getting sore. Ride safe!
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Old 07-25-2015, 11:01 PM
Johnny Ritz Johnny Ritz is offline
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Originally Posted by Butch View Post
Just got done with a 1900 mile round trip to Ft. worth last week. My son and I put on 700 miles the first 14 hours of the first day, and I had a couple observations I thought I'd pass on. It was hot, better than 90 degrees from Iowa on down, the only break was a torrential down pour just before Des Moines, that lasted about 45 minutes with us driving hard right through it. Cars were pulled over on 35 southbound because they couldn't see, making things interesting as all get out( as in get out of my way). We had stopped and put on rain gear just as it started to sprinkle! First pointer, buy good rain gear and use it! My sons rain pants tore as he was putting them on, DOH!

What did get wet was soon dried out as we headed south. Second pointer, have money ready for toll roads, know where the toll roads are also. The turner turnpike is very smooth for a bike, enjoy that as Texas roads suck horrible once you get there.

Next pointer, run premium gas, my 2001 Vic. Ran like a Swiss watch there and back, did not burn any oil and I ran about 75 MPH at 3200 rpm as much as I could. My son was riding a Honda 750 and doing about 4100 rpm at 75 mph, God bless him.

Next pointer, wear shirts that aren't floppy at the neck and sleeves, that will drive you nuts after 6-14 hours of being whipped by loose sleeves or neck cloth, trust me, fortunately I had two new t shirts that worked good, my son bought two new ones at a truck stop.

Wear sun screen, I had some ( thank you wifey) and we used it, it really saved our bacon!! ( which is what my upper arms would have looked like if I didn't have sunscreen ). Also have a do rag or bandanna if you don't wear a helmet( I don't ) during good weather. My son and I both had helmets for the trip and only wore them in Missouri and during the rainy weather parts of the trip.
Final pointer, recognize when you have had enough mile for one day , if you find yourself mentally wore out, look for a place and call it quits for the night. When I was OTR truck driving I at best could get 550 mile out of the day,, I had exceeded that by 150 more and really hit the wall so to speak on this trip, we stopped in Tonkawa, OK, got a room and a steak dinner, followed by a shower and bed. Woke up the next morning and put in another 5 hours of riding, right to the hospital my brother was in( reason for the trip, he had a by pass and I wasn't gonna let him go thru that alone).

Anyway, if this is helpful to anyone planning a trip I hope so, I'd do it again tomorrow. Oh yeah, keep stuff out of your back pockets, that will keep your ass from getting sore. Ride safe!
Geez Butch - are you going a little softer in your older age?

Here is a post from you I remembered and found from 2004 - that is the Butch I remember!
"Get Busy Livin', or Get Busy Dying'"

Johnny Ritz & #434
VMC #59

John Ritter, the one still living.
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Old 07-26-2015, 08:22 AM
Butch Butch is offline
Jerry (MN)
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Veseli,MN
Posts: 432
Lmao again! Ha, me and the Turner Turnpike are connected for life. I guess I have slowed a bit, ha , to funny. Definitely got better riding gear.
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Old 11-17-2015, 11:54 AM
I h8 winter I h8 winter is offline
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After Talking to Mark at the last HH the best advise I can give is bring him with then everything you will need will be with.
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Old 05-07-2016, 07:43 AM
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